Why is IT outsourcing important?


The outsourcing industry emerged with the development of computer networks in the 1990s. By bringing together multiple businesses, IT outsourcing is able to provide fully integrated systems, IT security, off-site backup, cloud functionality, as well as maintenance and monitoring options. It is a comprehensive, cost-effective, scalable offering, and therefore sought after by many companies of all sizes.

IT outsourcing in figures

The outsourcing industry is expected to be worth $405.6 billion by 2027;

  • Companies that have included outsourcing in their strategy have reduced their expenses by an average of about 15% and up to 60% for some;
  • 57% of companies have chosen to outsource to increase their productivity;
  • 24% of SMEs opt for outsourcing to increase their efficiency;
  • 64% of outsourced services are related to IT development.

White papers

Infogérance informatique : Comment réussir sa maintenance et hébergement web

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What does IT outsourcing involve?

We call IT outsourcing, a set of services that includes several trades. The most requested expertises are the following:

  • Hosting of your websites, e-commerce, customer portal, web application;
  • Technical support / assistance in 8/5, 24/7;
  • Database management;
  • Telecommunications and networks;
  • Application support or management or TMA ;
  • The management of IT infrastructures or Cloud.


There are several types of IT outsourcing, including; 

  • Infrastructure outsourcing;
  • Application outsourcing;
  • Operational outsourcing; 
  • Outsourcing of application delivery;
  • User management or Help Desk.

IT outsourcing frees up time for innovation

IT outsourcing allows your company to save time, time that it will devote to the creation of projects, products, services, the keys to its development. It also saves time to carve out an IT service that is truly calibrated to its business.

By choosing to transfer certain responsibilities to an outside agency with a reputation for providing solid expertise in its field, these sponsors were able to sustainably achieve several critical objectives:

  • Improve their business processes;
  • Develop new business models;

But also, and above all:

  • Offer an evolving customer experience, always in line with trends, through intuitive tools to their customers and prospects.

Indeed, being a major issue, the customer experience now concerns all companies, without exception, whatever their size and in all sectors of activity. To constantly improve it, to offer a product or service that truly meets the needs and desires of its audience, your company must constantly work to change its way of thinking and acting. IT outsourcing is part of the value chain that will allow your company to stand out from the competition.
Outsourcing is an increasingly widespread practice, which, when implemented in a rational and organized manner, will allow your company to grow without risk or major investment.
In the event of an infrastructure or service failure, your company will have a single point of contact if you choose a provider that specializes in IT information management.

Esokia accompanies you to :

  • Control IT costs.
  • Ensure service level.
  • Access to specialized expertise that is often expensive and difficult to find locally.
  • Ensure the continuity of knowledge on the project concerned.


Continue your reading : 

Cloud web hosting to accelerate your digitization!

IT outsourcing, a strategic lever for your company.

Why should you outsource your developer?

IT outsourcing: when software development outsourcing turns into a winning strategy


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