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ESOKIA: A web agency expert on SYMFONY framework

For your digital transformation, your main goal is to develop a specific and functional rich business platform. You want to integrate third-party tools and services ( tailor-made) or real-time websites, intranet, extranet, e-commerce, social networks...). Then, Symfony is the perfect framework.

What is a framework?

A framework is a group of components used to build the base of software architecture. It is the intermediary between development from scratch and via a CMS. This gives freedom in the web development. Also, not having to rebuild a structure from scratch to perform updates.

A framework can be compared to a toolbox designed by the developer community for developers. The main purpose is to facilitate its use by all developers.


Symfony: powerful and flexible

Symfony is an Open Source PHP framework made up of multiple components that make web development considerably easier. In concrete terms, this means a significant reduction in time and effort in the creation of very complex, tailor-made and practically limitless websites.

It is important to remember that the choice of a framework must be adapted to the web project. Symfony is an excellent alternative to Wordpress and other less powerful CMS. Indeed, it is the most flexible and powerful framework on the market. It can fit your dream website.

Esokia is a partner of Sensiolabs, the French company which edited the Symfony framework. We have developers who are experts and certified in web development on Symfony. They develop customized projects on Symfony 3 and Symfony 4.


Why choose Symfony ?

Especially Symfony 4 ;)

This new version has been released to assure security, improve performance and facilitate the installation and use of the Framework. For example, vendor installation and bundle auto-configuration have been simplified.

Symfony 4 includes a new recipe system (Recipe) that allows to directly manage the bundle dependencies during installation. The best example is Symfony Webpacks. They include bundle management for the clear and powerful use of JavaScript modules, CSS and JS pre-processing. These webpacks provide easy-to-use professional advantages.

The framework directly includes in its internal structure preventive security mechanisms to protect against XSS, CSRF, and SQL injection flaws and attacks. This is a significant advantage over in-house PHP developments, where each request or form must be systematically protected.

Due to the management of user profiles on its platform, Symfony is the ideal framework for businesses digital strategy. Indeed, they can quickly and effectively meet the needs for the creation of intranet or extranet projects.


Symfony, an API Integration platform

The basic HTTP architecture of the framework is ideal for creating RESTful web services. From endpoint design to natively integrated access security, open-source bundles facilitate integration with third-party service platforms.

Through its recognized expertise in API integration, ESOKIA can support you in the integration of your business services. API platform additions and SaaS platforms such as Salesforce, Dynamics 365, Oracle, Sabre, Amadeus optimize virtual identity


The richness of the Symfony Bundles

Bundles allow additional features on the website and other web applications. These bundles can be compared to modules on Drupal CMS or plug-ins on WordPress CMS.

Each bundle offers additional features that make the structure more robust and customizable. In particular, Symfony 4 has considerably simplified the installation of a third-party bundle.

 Here is a non-exhaustive list of the Symfony bundles that Esokia uses:

  • SonataAdminBundle
  • SonataMediaBundle
  • FOSUserBundle
  • FOSRestBundle
  • FOSJsRoutingBundle
  • FOSElasticaBundle
  • JMSSerializerBundle
  • KnpPaginatorBundle
  • StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle
  • DoctrineFixturesBundle
  • Webpack Encore


ESOKIA services for your Symfony websites

Besides our expertise in framework development, we are a digital agency. Located in Paris, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Serbia, our agency offers related services to help you maximize your investments in Symfony technology such as:

  • maintenance/TMA
  • hosting on a dedicated server or CloudDevOps
  • experts,UX/UI consulting or Front end technology
  • Definition of the architecture 
  • optimization of your conversion rates
  • SEO

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