Web development in 2023: what are the upcoming trends?


What would the internet be without web development? Not much, since it is thanks to this profession that companies manage to create a concrete communication bridge between themselves and their target audience. It is also thanks to it that they manage to sell their products and services in a secure and personalized framework. But web development does not stop there. Much richer and more complex than it seems, this specialty is one of the keystones of the creation, construction and maintenance of websites and web applications. As such, it is constantly evolving, as illustrated by our top 2023 web development trends to watch.

Good to know

There are 3 main categories of web development: front-end, back-end and full-stack.

Web development trends for 2023

Let's see what web developers have in store for us in 2023. Their future actions are mainly driven by the slow but sure arrival of Web 3.0 which includes : 

  • Progressive Web Applications (PWA);
  • AI-powered chatbots;
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages;
  • Single page applications;
  • Optimized voice search;
  • WordPress' development;
  • Motion UI ;
  • Internet of Things (IoT);
  • API-first development
  • Serverless architecture

Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

While Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are not the latest revolution, the latest versions are well on their way to replacing the web applications we know to this day. With the increased use of smartphones and tablets, PWAs have several major advantages: unprecedented load times, the ability to work offline, reduced development costs and seamless maintenance for the vendor.

Artificial Intelligence powers chatbots

While today's chatbots are impressive in their conversational finesse, in 2023, these tools will grow in scale thanks to Artificial Intelligence. With machine learning, greater natural language processing capability and information retrieval techniques, chatbots will deliver an outstanding customer experience while harvesting critical information.

Accelerated mobile pages

It's a fact known by all businesses, the speed at which web pages load has a significant impact on consumers' purchasing decisions. To remedy this, in 2023 developers will rely on Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), capable of providing a seamless user experience while decreasing bounce rates, improving core business metrics at the same time.

Single-page applications

Single page applications (SPA) are web applications with the difference that they rely on JavaScript. It loads a single HTML page in the browser and updates the content as needed without refreshing the page, this in all transparency! This saves time for all parties, both visitors and web developers.

Voice search

Voice search is slowly securing its place in American homes, so it won't be long before this phenomenon spreads across the rest of the planet. Alexa and Siri will gain momentum with the arrival of new connected and interactive consumer products.

WordPress development

WordPress, the star open-source CMS continues to evolve and offer new features. Our WordPress agency has dedicated an article on the end of security updates and support for WordPress 3.7 to 4.0.

Motion UI

Aujourd’hui les internautes veulent de la qualité et de l’interactivité. Le framework Motion UI tombe à pic, puisqu’il permet pour les applications natives, de développer des sites et applications réactives. Depuis sa montée en puissance depuis 2018, Motion IU a gagné en accessibilité grâce aux bibliothèques SASS.

Internet des objets (IoT)

De plus en plus d’appareils connectés se chargent désormais de discuter entre elles, d’échanger et de transférer des données en toute autonomie. Une bonne chose pour les entreprises à la recherche d’un développement web très personnalisé.

Le développement API-first

Le développement API-first est orienté utilisateur, ce qui permet aux développeurs de gagner du temps tout en réduisant les coûts. Cette technologie gagne en popularité grâce à sa capacité de réduire les risques d’échec, ceci en garantissant la fiabilité et la cohérence entre toutes les API présentes.

L’architecture sans serveur

Les développeurs et les entreprises travaillent ensemble à réduire la surcharge des systèmes, la perte de données et les coûts de développement. La technologie sans serveur basée sur le Cloud est la réponse à ces problématiques, permettant aux utilisateurs d’agir rapidement et facilement. 

En conclusion

Cette nouvelle année promet d’être excitante en matière de développement web. L’éventail des options s’agrandissent pour les entreprises, qui peuvent ainsi sublimer l’expérience client qu’ils souhaitent offrir à leur public cible.

Esokia, agence de développement web, vous propose de concrétiser enfin votre projet informatique. Discutons ensemble de vos besoins et de votre vision afin que nous puissions rapidement leur donner vie !


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