How to prepare a good AdWords campaign ?


When you think of online marketing tools, Google AdWords is often the first thing that comes to your mind. Same as Facebook ads, the goal of an AdWords campaign is to earn money, and not throw it away. We will focus our article on search engine advertising. This way of promoting your products online is surely the best known but also the most profitable when you master the art of campaigns on AdWords.


Create an AdWords campaign by-products lines

At Esokia, we love when things are organized. Therefore, if you have multiple products, we recommend you to create a campaign by product line (one for shoes, one for dresses, etc.). Then, you can create ad groups specifying more what it is: summer shoes, winter shoes, mountain shoes... The writing of your ads will come last.

Working in this way will allow you to really adapt keywords to your ad groups and avoid competing with yourself.




The campaign is the basis of your online advertising. Here you control your budget, your targeting and your distribution schedule. The ads group will allow you to specify targeting based on the ad. Finally, the ad will be the final result appearing on the search engine of the user. Do not hesitate to do at least 3 ads per group to perform tests on what works best (text and visual).



Define the key elements of this campaign

Targeting is an essential first step. If we choose search engine advertising, the targeting is based on the keywords defined for each ads group. You choose the keywords closest to your products and which could be typed by users. Then, we will complete this targeting by choosing the "broad match" option. This parameter can be used to include keyword synonyms, spelling mistakes, associated searches, and other variations. You could reach more people. After that, you will need to set a release schedule. This schedule will be reviewed little by little following the analysis of your results. It's up to you to test again and again to find the best time of publication, adapting it to your activity of course.

Finally, you will also have to set a budget to spend per day. First, you need to have a clear idea of what a customer represent. But you also have to be ready to give up a little more money at the beginning of the campaign. Why ? Because you will do tests.

Once you have defined the keywords you want to test, you can find out the cost-per-click (CPC) of each one (here we pay the click). The more competitive a keyword is, the higher the cost. So, if you estimate that you will need 50 clicks to valid the test, simply multiply 50 by the CPC to get the minimum budget of the keyword. Then repeat the operation for all the keywords, add it up and divide by the number of months of campaign to know the monthly budget.

Therefore, once the test period is over, keep only the keywords that have converted more.

As you can see, creating an AdWords campaign is complicated. It requires to be worked and reviewed regularly. Because your campaign has a life cycle, you should analyze it to optimize your future campaigns. Look at all the details by month, by week and by day. It's up to you to have an eye and compare to optimize at best. And do not forget, make your ads attractive to encourage people to click on them.

If you encounter difficulties, Esokia is there to assist you in setting up your campaigns. Contact us to exchange on your project!


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